In full Pavlovian form, I can feel my whole body start to relax already, even though I just barely popped two a few moments ago.
The urgency to word vomit all over the internet has pretty much died, but I'm thinking that this could still be, maybe, a worthy romp in the loopy parts of my head.
The good doctor refilled my prescriptions today and after having me fill out a 10 point checklist for a variety of mental perturberances, upped my dosage on Lexapro.
Except that I haven't even been taking them.
Although after today, I'm thinking that maybe I should. Because yes, I did feel better, but no, I don't know how comfortable I am with me feeling that kind of better.
I'm also seriously considering getting the name of that crooked Dr. that someone had told me about because I feel like I stumbled upon a very good pharmaceutical cocktail and it would be just lovely to have it readily at my disposal.
[Note to self: Removed a malformed thought about James Franco.]
[Note to self: Link to the article and his short story from Esquire]
But I'm pretty sure that the Ambien's kicked in because when I close my eyes, I see a movie.
Goodnight Pensieve
we are lost and found
but love is gonna save us